Monday, August 10, 2009

St. Jozephs Evening College

Considering that i will be "living" in Bangalore for at least 9 weeks (I've been wondering how much time you need to stay in one place to rightfully say you have lived there), I think i ought to learn the local language. Some people think that if i am to learn a language anyway, i might as well learn "something more useful", like Hindi. Some say it's a waste of time to learn a language that is only used in one state in one particular country. But then again, there are more people that speak Kannada in the world than there are Belgians in the world, and besides, I learned flemish, so i am not the right person to talk to about the usefulness of a language :-). So, point is, I want to learn Kannada. I've been looking for teachers online, but they are not that easy to find. So I was told to go check out the St. Jozephs Evening College and see if they have Kannada evening classes for beginners. While checking out there website, i stumbled across their mission. I think this is the best mission statement for an educational institution i have ever read.

"The strategies followed in this college are designed to put students in a position to become lucky, to give them an edge, improve their attitude, sharpen their wisdom and deepen their perspective with a healthy self-esteem and thus become less self-absorbed and more sensitive towards the plight of others and more resilient shock absorbers in the ups and downs of life. The College intuitively feels that self-absorbed people have very poor learning curves."

If they are willing to teach me Kannada there, i am definitely taking their class!

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