Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New life

I have decided to relaunch this blog. Not sure if anybody is following it, but that's ok. I was rereading my posts and they brought back good memories, so I thought it'd be nice to make new posts, so I can reread those as well and remember what happened. I don't promise that they will be as travels, no exotic adventures...but then again, life in LA can be an adventure in itself, so who knows.

The first big news i need to share: I have moved. Yes, again (although this time it's been over 1.5yrs in the same appartment, not bad!). I moved to a little 3-bedroom house close to LAX. I exchanged my awesome roommate (hoorah to Kathy for making my life in LA so pleasant aver the past year) for a hot guy :-). It's needed, because the nights in the new house get really chilly!! Yes, believe it or not, Zach and I have moved in together. Crazy, I know!

Let's see how this all works out, but i am excited.